Hey guys!
So here's a post dedicated to products I regret purchasing. When your trying new makeup there's always a few items you've purchased that either you don't like or they don't work. So here's just a few items that I regret purchasing.
So I'll start off with my Balmi lip balm. So the packaging really attracted me. I had never seen a lip balm like it, and I thought it was so handy that is had a key ring on it so I could hook it to my keys. With this said I have found a few things wrong with the product. I found after a while the lip balm was rather drying and it would burn my lips when I put it on. So I found myself just after applying it rubbing it back off just because the burning was so horrible. I'm really not happy with this product and it was definitely a waste of my money.

The next two products I am going on to is my Wake Me Up concealer and my Natural collection concealer. With the natural collection concealer only being around £2 I automatically grabbed it simply because it was a bargain! I find this concealer has minimal coverage and does leave your skin quite patchy. The Wake Me Up concealer was a complete no go as far as my skin was concerned. The colours are simply too orange toned for my skin and increased my chances of breaking out. This product could work under the eye area but as far as I'm concerned I completely regret purchasing this product.
Moving on to a lipstick now. I had purchased this Natural Collection lipstick ages ago and have worn it probably twice. It is in the colour Cedar and it's a horrible brown colour. It makes me look like I've eaten chocolate and forgot to rub it off my lips. It just makes me look dirty. This product really doesn't go with my skin tone because I am so pale, but this could work on darker skinned women. This wasn't a great loss because it was so cheap but I just hate it.
I've recently been having problems with my skin as I have mentioned in the Dalican T post. So I thought i'd try out Simple's Rapid Action Spot Zapper. This is a roll on gel that you apply directly to the major blemishes. I found this didn't help my spots at all and if anything made them worse. The product just left a slight burning sensation on my skin then made the spot even more inflamed.

Finally the last two products are hair products. The first is a dry shampoo. I usually use Batiste spray just to give my hair a bit of texture and volume and prevent it from going greasy. I found this dry shampoo made my hair greasy and very limp and hard to work with! It does smell nice but just doesn't work, so I'm sticking to my Batiste spray. My final product I am mentioning in this post is a wave spray. I found this in Superdrug and I wasn't expecting amazing results because it was only around £3 but this does absolutely nothing to my hair. It doesn't create any sort of wave but it does leave your hair feeling very dry. I really don't like this product and wouldn't recommend it to anyone who wants some sort of effortless wave to their hair because it just doesn't work.
I hope I have helped guys!
Chloe x